venerdì 9 febbraio 2007

Word Press Photo 2007 Award

An image of stylish Lebanese youths driving through a Beirut neighborhood devastated by Israeli bombing, taken by U.S. photographer Spencer Platt, has won the World Press Photo of the Year Award.The image contrasts a group of friends against a background of the wreckage of a collapsed building in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The photo was taken on Aug. 15, the second day of a cease-fire between Israel and Hizbullah, as hundreds of thousands of Lebanese began returning to their homes. It also won in the category of "Daily Life Singles."
Un'auto sportiva rosso "ferrari", giovani alla moda, belle ragazze, occhiali da sole e cellulari di ultima generazione. E sullo sfondo le macerie teatro dei bombardamenti a tappeto sino alla sera prima.
Ho pensato subito: "Questo è il Libano"

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