venerdì 29 dicembre 2006

History's lesson

The situation is rather calm today in Beirut. Friends told me that the clear impression is that nothing will happen till new year’s eve, almost respecting the Season Holidays…
Then, nobody knows, inshallah a leaders meeting trying to exceed the political empasse.
Yesterday PSP leader Walid Jumblatt warned of Hezbollah-led "coup in due time” in Lebanon, a political, economical and cultural coup imposed on government supporters by the Syrian regime through its tools...
Lebanese leaders often warn during their official speech about such (supposed) dramatic and catastrophic scenarios, but Lebanese people are very much…too much used to that propaganda “to the panic”, also because they are in panic since several years, and someone even born in that. It’s true, even if it could sound funny.
The current question, the most fighted one, is Who’s the winner in such scenario, or better Who has the real majority. Everybody agrees that the difference between a majority and a minority rests on few percentage points swinging one way or another. But instead of claiming who has the true majority, why don’t they put the system in play and resolve the current crisis??? This last question has no answer at the moment, or at least not yet just a unique one.
Last 26 Dec, HA called again for a rally of impressive dimension: people participating to the permanent camp got 30$ per each day and night of permanence, as well as rally’s participating achieve the same amount, and transportation and organization included.

Many Beirutis in the Sunni and Christian neighborhoods (which is to say, most of Beirut) feared political and sectarian violence in the streets, although the Lebanese army was deployed in full force. The city looked like a besieged war-time capital braced for an invasion. Hezbollah also dispatched their “discipline” men to prevent and break up fights; many people warned about civil war but luckily no one wants it. Of course, we would say….but unfortunately this is not such logical and immediate. This is Lebanon.
I wanna show you the image of another (even if not significant) group at the rally, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party supporters. The SSNP, founded by Antun Saada in 1932 was modeled after the Nazi and Fascist parties of Germany and Italy. Their flag is a spinning swastika.

Il guerra è quella lezione di storia che i popoli non impareranno mai abbastanza

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