lunedì 30 aprile 2007

Winograd Commission: the judge doesn't smile not even once

The Winograd Commission is an Israeli government-appointed commission of inquiry, chaired by retired judge Eliyahu Winograd, which is set out to investigate and draw lessons from the failures experienced by Israel during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.

( Justice Eliyahu Winograd read aloud the findings of his government-appointed commission's partial report on the Second Lebanon War late Monday afternoon; many said that they were even harsher than had been expected. Winograd explained that the findings are limited to the days just prior to the beginning of last summer's war against Hizbullah.
At least 1,200 Lebanese, including an estimated 270 Hezbollah fighters were killed in the summer war, as well as 119 Israeli soldiers and 39 civilians.

"There was a weakness in strategic thinking... They went into war without thinking how they would get out of it."

The report's main points include the following:
"The decision to carry out an extreme military operation [in response to the kidnapping of the two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese border] was not based on a careful analysis of the situation in Lebanon... It was rather overly-ambitious and unrealistic... The capacity to attain genuine accomplishments was limited... Olmert said he would fight until the objectives were achieved, but the fighting was not done in a manner designed to achieve these goals... He did not ask for a detailed plan from the army..."

The report also castigated Defense Minister Amir Peretz and ex-IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. (ret.) Dan Halutz. Winograd said the Defense Minister "did not have the required knowledge or the experience in security or diplomatic matters, or in how to use military strength to achieve objectives. Despite this, he made decisions without consulting others, and did not give sufficient weight to differing opinions... He did not take into account the army's lack of readiness... His influence on decisions were only on local matters; he did not try to grasp or deal with the overall picture. His lack of experience and knowledge weakened the government's ability to deal with the challenges."

Other on:
Al Jazeera
Israel National News

Political Reactions
Prime Minister Olmert "appointed the committee and will honor its conclusions," an aide said, while emphasizing that Olmert has no plans to resign. The Prime Minister announced this morning that he will convene the ministers of his Kadima party at 6:45 PM. It is expected that he will outline his plan to rebuff calls for his resignation, including a list of quotations from opposition members and others in support of the war.
Upon receiving the report this afternoon, Olmert thanked the Commission members for their hard work, and said, "I will study the report in order to be able to learn the lessons and correct the faults and ensure that the faults will not repeat themselves."

Minister Peretz's lawyer seemed to be relieved, saying that the findings of the report are the same as that which had been leaked.

MK Effie Eitam (National Union) said that Olmert must not turn "barricade himself in his office" but must resign immediately.

Israeli TV broadcasted the session in which Winograd deliver Olmert his report. Olmert seems tense, with a nervous smile, Amir Peretz looks dark in face.
Judge Winograd does not smile not even once.

La Commissione Winograd è la commissione di inchiesta nominata dal Governo di Israele, guidata dal giudice Eliyahu Winograd, la quale è stata incaricata di investigare sull'insuccesso di israele nel conflitto con il Libano dell'estate 2006.

Il rapporto di 320 pagine è stato consegnato oggi ai diretti responsabili
e poi messo sul web.

Secondo la Commissione, il premier Ehud Olmert, il ministro della Difesa Amir Peretz e il capo di stato maggiore Dan Halutz sono i maggiori responsabili della decisione di andare - la scorsa estate - in guerra contro gli Hezbollah. Un conflitto durato 34 giorni e che ha provocato molte vittime, almeno 1200 Libanesi, compresi una stima di 270 Hezbollah, più 119 soldati e 39 civili Israeliani.

"I ministri hanno votato per una decisione (di aprire le ostilità ndr) che non hanno capito e hanno approvato il conflitto senza sapere poi come uscirne". Hanno deciso una guerra "senza un piano adeguato".
Le conclusioni del rapporto non sembrano lasciare appello: "Il modo in cui Israele ha avviato la campagna militare è inaccettabile, non dovrà mai più ripetersi.".
Olmert è accusato di aver dato troppo spazio ai piani dei vertici militari e di non aver lasciato la porta aperta a soluzioni diplomatiche per risolvere la crisi con i gruppi di Hezbollah che diedero il via al conflitto con il rapimento di due militari israeliani. "Un grave fallimento" è scritto nel Rapporto. Secondo la commissione d'inchiesta, inoltre, il premier non ha valutato con attenzione la preparazione dell'esercito prima di autorizzare l'attacco contro il Libano.

Il rapporto si occupa degli anni che hanno preceduto la guerra (descrive la dislocazione di miliziani Hezbollah a ridosso del confine e le contromisure adottate dall'esercito israeliano) e dei primi sei giorni di conflitto dopo che il 12 luglio i miliziani sciiti aprirono le ostilità bombardando la Galilea, catturando due soldati e uccidendone altri. Il rapporto ha due versioni: una con una parte top secret destinata al governo; una pubblica.

Le tivù israeliane hanno anche diffuso il filmato della seduta in cui Winograd consegna a Olmert il rapporto. Il premier dice al presidente della Commissione, composta da cinque persone, che il governo studierà il rapporto e opererà per attuare al più presto le sue conclusioni. Olmert appare teso, con un sorriso nervoso, mentre ringrazia gli inquirenti per il compito "non facile" da loro svolto. Il ministro della difesa Amir Peretz è scuro in volto.

Il giudice Winograd non sorride nemmeno una volta.

sabato 21 aprile 2007

Re-Thinking Beirut: exposition in Triennale Milan

Re-thinking Beirut is a project by the cultural lab aMAZElab, directed by Claudia Zanfi, floowing the international event Salone del Mobile, at Triennale Milan.
aMAZElab, in collaboration with Art Book and the Province of Milan, proposes “Re-Thinking Beirut”, a series of cultural events and visual installations dedicated to the current cultural, social and geo-political aspects of the Lebanese capital town. The project sets out to investigate contemporary Beirut life, through the contributions of intellectuals of the highest level, as well as through an arts exhibition programme accompanied by a cycle of conferences, with the use of a multi-disciplinary approach. With contributions from artists, architects, sociologists, geographers, journalists, etc. the project analyses the new urban geography, both physical and mental.
Art Book will host on Monday, 23rd of April, the group of Lebanese architects L.E.F.T. will meet Stefano Boeri for a discussion on “Architecture and Society: the re-construction of Beirut”. The LEFT team, headed by Steven Holl, is involved in the reconstruction project of Marina Beirut.

Re-Thinking Beirut
Vernissage: Mon 23 Apr, 6:30 PM
address: Triennale, Viale Alemagna 6, Milan
info email:
entrance: free

Following in May:
Conference: Beirut, geopolitics signs
When: Tue 8 May, 6:30 PM

Ref.: Prof.ssa Marcella Schmidt, Prof. Fabrizio Eva
Where: Art Book Milano, Via Ventura 5, Milan
entrance: free

Exposition Vernissage: A travel between memory and identities, Ali Hassoun
When: Fri 11 May, 6PM

Where: Triennale, Viale Alemagna 6, Milan
entrance: free

Conference/concert: The lebanese music between tradition and modernity, Manuela Giolfo and Takht Cham Ensemble
When: Sun 13 May, 6PM

Where: Triennale, Viale Alemagna 6, Milan
entrance: free

martedì 17 aprile 2007

Maria Sarkis Art

Source: Maria's site
Painting, a language that should be even beyond any understanding as Picasso said:
“Everyone wants to understand art ,why don’t we try to understand the song of a bird, why do we love the night, the flowers, everything around us, without to understand them? but in the case of painting, people think they have to understand!”
So as Osho said:
“Unless you are a creator, you will never find real blissfulness, it is only by creating that you become part of the great creativity of the universe.”

After the vernissage on 11 Apr, the expositio "EROTICA" of
will keep on taking place in Galerie Surface Libre d'Art
until 28 Apr, Mon-Sat, from 10AM to 7PM

venerdì 13 aprile 2007

I felt down like padlock in Ponte Milvio's bridge

Sono caduto.
Sono caduto di nuovo.
Stella del cielo vuoi spiegarmi perchè
quando mi convinco d'essere mago
c'è sempre il vento
a ricordarmi
che quella che ho in mano
non è una bacchetta magica
ma sabbia che con un soffio
lui me la porta via.
Perchè huh?

Ladies & Gentlemen, MIKA live in Milano

Bellissimo concerto ieri sera,all’Alcatraz di Milano!
Magliettina glitterata e pianoforte, ha fatto il suo ingresso sul palco Mika Penniman, o semplicemente MIKA, come ormai tutti i fans conoscono questo giovanissimo artista di madre libanese e padre americano,vissuto tra Beirut,Parigi e Londra che ha scalato le classifiche partendo dal web in un tempo da record. Voce straordinaria, ha infilato un acuto dietro l’altro,proponendo diversi pezzi del suo album, da “Take it easy” alla notissima “Grace Kelly”, passando per la ghost track “Over my shoulder” , un inedito, una cover e concludendo in bellezza con “Lollipop”, mascherato da peluches,assieme a tutta la band.
Il canto in farsetto è tornato in voga da qualche tempo e molti artisti del pop ne fanno il proprio cavallo di battaglia, come gli Scissors Sister. Pure Robbie Williams e i "risorti" Take That non lo disdegnano.
L’artista,tra una canzone e l’altra racconta di come scriva le canzoni durante notti insonni di zapping e improvvise ispirazioni e ringrazia il calorosissimo pubblico, che non si aspettava così numeroso e che ha sorpreso anche gli organizzatori che hanno dovuto spostare la location del concerto per ben tre volte in club sempre più capienti,vista la continua richiesta di biglietti.
Una pecca, e sì, una pecca c’è stata: Mika è rimasto sul palco un’ora scarsa. Visto l’entusiasmo dei sui fans,poteva anche cantarli tutti i dieci pezzi del suo album.
Ma piano prima di parlare della nascita di un nuovo Freddy Mercury, please!

Follow the Women 2007 and Bend It Like Beckham - Iranian ver.

'Follow the Women - Women for Peace' cycle ride has started from Aleppo University in northern Syria on Saturday, with 249 female riders from 30 countries crossing the start line and heading straight into the first 30km road section from Aleppo to the site of the historic Saint Simeon Citadel.
Over the next 11 days, the riders will pass through Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan, before finishing in Amman on Thursday, April 19th. Over 120 female riders from Syria elected to enter this year's Middle East peace ride to raise awareness of the unstability and unrest in the region.

(source AMEINFO)


BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM, Iranian version

Women's futsal team of Iranian club of Rah Ahan is scheduled to leave for the Jordanian capital Amman tonight.
Rah Ahan represents the country in an international tournament, which is attended by 10 teams.
Three teams from the host country and seven from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, and Palestine compete in the tourney from May 11-18.
Rah Ahan stood top in Iran's seven-strong inter-club league, winning 26 points.
Five national players are in the Rah Ahan squad.

(source: Iranian Islamic Republic News Agency)

mercoledì 11 aprile 2007

Do You Miss My Smell ?

Appena prima di partire [Just before leaving] - Zero Assoluto & Nelly Furtado

Thomas: Da quando non mi hai più cercato [Since you didn't look for me]
mi sembra molto più difficile [it seems to me many more difficult]
credevo di essere più forte [i believed to be stronger]
di quella sera e tutte le parole [than that night and all the words]
ed e bastato un solo sguardo [and just a look was enough]
solo una volta non lo scordi più [just one time, and you won't forget it anymore]

Matteo: rincontrarsi nei pensieri [più] [to meet us into the thoughts]
ritrovarsi come ieri [to find us like yesterday]

T: anche se non può più tornare [even though it can't go back]
basta una volta e non lo scordi più [just one time, and you won't forget it anymore]
quella sera e tutte le parole [that night and all the words]
ma tu [but You]
Davvero credi sia stato un piano [really believe it was a plan]
studiato per farti del male [designed to hurt you]
si tu di sicuro, sei stata più sincera nel dire le cose [for sure, you have been more sincere in telling things]

Nelly Furtado: Now who's gonna say
You win I loose

T: vincere tu... [you win]

M: senza ormai più chiedersi [without self-asking]
se mai ce la farò [if i will succeed]
e se domani - domani forse ritornerò [and if tomorrow, tomorrow maybe i'll be back]
magari un giorno poi [hopefully someday then]
poi me ne pentirò [then i will repent]
ma ne valeva la pena rischiare tutto o no? [but that was worth of risking everything huh?]

NF: no... Never seems so really ended

No I can't really forget it

No I can't forget you

NF&T: Will you ever see that I can't try I'll lie down
The day that we'll say goodbye
It's true that someday
you're on and still we'll play
and I pay it my truth

T: e ora che vuoi? [now what you want?]

NF&T: vincere tu.. [you win]

NF: ooooh...

NF&T: Will you ever see that I can't try I'll lie down
The day that we'll say goodbye
It's true that someday
you're on and still we'll play
and I pay it my truth

T: ed era l'ultimo saluto [and it was the last goodbye]

NF&T: e non ci penso più.. [and i don't think about it anymore]

martedì 10 aprile 2007

Lesson #4:- How to prepare ... Mamoul

#1: Hummus
#2: Fatoush
#3: Tabouleh

Mamoul are Middle Eastern cookies served typically Easter. The cookies have three traditional fillings: walnut, pistachio and date.

1/2 cup solid shortening
8 tablespoons or 4 ounces butter
1 cup flour, all purpose
2 cups semolina
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon rose flower water OR
1 tablespoon orange flower water
7 tablespoons water
confectioners sugar
Walnut or Pistachio Filling
1 1/2 cups finely chopped walnuts or pistachios
2 Tablespoons orange or rose flower water
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Mix well together.
Date Filling
1 1/2 cups chopped dates
6 tablespoons butter

Do not expect the dough to be cohesive but it will be damp enough to form into balls to pack into the cookie molds. This recipe needs to be started a day ahead.
Melt shortening and butter together or use all butter if you wish a richer cookie. cool slightly. Mix flour, semolina, salt, baking powder and sugar together. Rub melted shortening into dough with fingertips until it is like fine soft meal.
Cover bowl and let it rest overnight. Combine flower waters with 7 tablespoons water and sprinkle over the dough. Toss lightly with a fork to distribute liquid evenly. Mix until just combined, like pie dough. (another person says to knead the dough well).
Dust maamoul molds well with flour. Invert and tap gently to remove excess flour. Estimate the amount of dough need to fill maamoul mold and make a ball of dough. Flatten it out slightly and place a good tablespoon of filling in center. Close dough around filling to cover it. Pack ball into mold. Level off cookie even with the lip of the mold. Be sure you have not revealed filling or it will stick to the pan as it bakes.
Tap cookies out onto the work area with a sharp firm hit to the top of the mold. Transfer cookies to baking sheet with a spatula. Bake at 300 to 325deg F about 12 minutes, until barely colored.
Sprinkle with confectioners sugar before serving.

I Mamoul sono i tipici biscotti libanesi serviti a Pasqua. Possono avere tre diversi ripieni: noci, pistacchi o datteri.

8 cucchiai di burro
1 tazza di farina
2 tazze di semolino
1/4 cucchiaino di sale
1/4 cucchiaino di lievito
1/4 tazza di zucchero in grani
1 cucchiaio di acqua di fiori di rosa OPPURE
1 cucchiaio di acqua di fiori di arancio
7 cucchiai di acqua
zucchero a velo
Ripieno di Noci o Pistacchio
1 1/2 tazza di noci finemente tritate o pistacchi
2 cucchiai di acqua di fiori di rosa o di arancio
1/4 tazzina di zucchero
1/4 cucchiaio di cannella
Mescolare bene insieme.
Ripieno di Datteri
1 1/2 cups datteri sminuzzati
6 cucchiai di burro

L'impasto dovrà essere abbastanza compatto da poter formare delle palline che possano essere inserite in stampi per cucina. La preparazione di questa ricetta deve cominciare con un giorno di anticipo.
Mescolare farina, semolino, sale, lievito e zucchero insieme. Strofinare il burro sul fondo della scodella dove verrà adagiato l'impasto di sopra. Coprire la scodella e lasciare a riposo per una notte.
Unire l'acqua di fiori coi 7 cucchiai di acqua e bagnare l'impasto. Ricoprire bene gli stampi del maamoul con la farina. Inserire un bel cucchiaio di ripieno al centro dell'impasto ben appiattito in precedenza. Chiudere l'impasto così ripieno e formare delle palline negli stampi. Attenzione a chiudere bene per evitare fuoriuscite del ripieno durante la cottura in forno.
Cuocere a 150-170°C per 12' finchè la parte superiore dell'impasto risulta dorata.
Cospargere di zucchero a velo prima di servire.

domenica 8 aprile 2007

Pasqua and the prayer of the Pope

Buona Pasqua a tutti in Cristo Risorto e Asceso al Cielo.

(source: Naharnet)
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday expressed concern over Lebanon's role and future due to the ongoing political crisis between the Hizbullah-led opposition and Premier Fouad Saniora's majority government.
The pope also decried the "suffering in the world" in his traditional "Urbi et Orbi" (to the city and the world) on Easter Sunday.

"In Lebanon, the paralysis of the country's political institutions threatens the role that the country is called to play in the Middle East and puts its future seriously in jeopardy.

"… I cannot forget the difficulties faced daily by the Christian communities and the exodus of Christians from that blessed Land which is the cradle of our faith," the 79-year-old pontiff said.

"How many wounds, how much suffering there is in the world? Natural calamities and human tragedies that cause innumerable victims and enormous material destruction are not lacking," he said in the message beamed around the world.

"I am thinking of the scourge of hunger, of incurable diseases, of terrorism and kidnapping of people, of the thousand faces of violence which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion, of contempt for life, of the violation of human rights and the exploitation of persons," the 79-year-old pontiff said.
"My thoughts go to recent events in Madagascar, in the Solomon Islands, in Latin America and in other regions of the world," Benedict said from the loggia of St. Peter's Basilica to a crowd of tens of thousands filling the square as well as the main street leading up to it.

"I look with apprehension at the conditions prevailing in several regions of Africa," in several parts of the world's poorest continent, notably Zimbabwe, Darfur and Somalia.

"Zimbabwe is in the grip of a grievous crisis, and for this reason the bishops of that country in a recent document indicated prayer and a shared commitment for the common good as the only way forward," he said.

"In the Middle East, besides some signs of hope in the dialogue between Israel and the Palestinian authority, nothing positive comes from Iraq, torn apart by continual slaughter as the civil population flees," the pope said in the message broadcast live by 67 television stations.

martedì 3 aprile 2007

Take a rest ... read and smell

Love After Love

The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

And say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

Derek Walcott

Never happened? Going to the baker and the brend-new bread aroma arises, seducing olfaction. Suddenly you feel serene and calm, and maybe that bad mood plaguing you before, runs away. Aromas and smells act on mood awakening memories. I.e. cinnamon's smell reminds Xmas, talc's smell the children one, maybe yours or the one of your adored niece, while THAT smell of your beloved can bring you back a romantic night. Together with Her.
It seems that smells are sensorial stimulus, treated in the hidden oblivion of the brain and awaken reactions. It's called AROMATHERAPY. Who hates waking up in the morning can easierly rise by sniffing fresh rosemary. A spiced aroma strengthen soul and organizational abilities. The Vanilla and citrus create good mood, the Bergamot lightens the atmosphere of a room and stimulates appetite. The Lemon increases the ability of concentration and intellectual nimblity. The Rose reduces worry and eagerness. If you need calm, in order to recharge your energy stocks, try to spread all over lavender, gelsomino and cypress.

Extrasensorial euphoria. Inebriated by alchemies that persecutoring play on my memories.


AMORE DOPO AMORE di Derek Walcott
Tempo verrà in cui, con esultanza, saluterai te stesso arrivato alla tua porta, nel tuo proprio specchio e ognuno sorriderà al benvenuto dell'altro, e dirà: siediti qui. mangia. amerai di nuovo lo straniero che era il tuo io. offri vino. offri pane. rendi il cuore a se stesso, allo straniero che ti ha amato per tutta la vita, che hai ignorato per un altro e che ti sa a memoria. dallo scaffale tira giu' le lettere d'amore, le fotografie, le note disperate, sbuccia via dallo specchio la tua immagine, siediti. è festa: la tua vita è in tavola.

Ti è mai capitato? vai dal panettiere e l’aroma di pane appena sfornato si diffonde seducendo l’olfatto. D'improvviso avverti serenità e calma, e forse quel cattivo umore che prima ti affliggeva, se ne va, dileguandosi. Aromi e profumi agiscono sull’umore arrivando a risvegliare i ricordi. Ad esempio l'odore della cannella ci fa rammentare il natale, l'odore del talco quello di un bambino, magari il tuo o un'adorata nipotina, mentre QUEL profumo della persona amata ti può riportare ad una serata romantica. Con Lei.
Si dice che gli odori siano stimoli sensoriali che vengono elaborati nell’aria limbica del cervello e risvegliano delle reazioni. La chiamano AROMATERAPIA. Chi detesta alzarsi al mattino, si leva con maggiore facilità dopo aver annusato del rosmarino fresco. Un aroma speziato rinforza lo spirito e potenzia le abilità organizzative. Vaniglia e agrumi generano buonumore, il bergamotto alleggerisce l’atmosfera di una stanza e stimola l’appetito. Il limone aumenta la capacità di concentrazione e l’agilitá intellettuale. La rosa riduce preoccupazione e impazienza. Se hai bisogno di tranquillità, per ricaricare le tue riserve di energia, prova a diffondere intorno a te lavanda, gelsomino e cipresso.

Euforia extrasensoriale, m'inebrio di alchimie che giocano aguzzine sui miei ricordi.

domenica 1 aprile 2007

StraMilano Marathon 2007

LibanItaly has been there too :-)