giovedì 31 maggio 2007

A United Nations Tribunal to try Hariri's assassins

(Abstract from Naharnet source)

The U.N. Security Council voted Wednesday 30 May to set up an international tribunal to prosecute suspects in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri which shook Lebanon two years ago.
Fire works lit up the night sky over Beirut in celebration of the court's establishment. A concussion bomb exploded near Mar Mikhael Church in Beirut's Shiyyah district just as news of the court's creation was announced around 11 p.m.

The 15-member council adopted a legally binding resolution that sets June 10 as the date for the entry into force of a 2006 agreement between the United Nations and the Beirut government to establish the court.

Ten countries voted in favor, with veto-wielding members Russia and China as well as South Africa, Indonesia and Qatar -- three non-permanent members -- abstaining.

Hariri and 22 other people were killed in a massive bomb blast in February 2005, widely blamed on Syria, which was then forced to end nearly 30 years of military and political domination in Lebanon.
Resolution 1757 was sponsored by the United States, Britain, France, Belgium, Slovakia and Italy, and introduced at the request of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

The resolution states that "the tribunal shall commence functioning on a date to be determined by the secretary general in consultation with the government of Lebanon, taking into account the progress of the work" of the U.N. panel probing the Hariri murder. In any case, the tribunal is not likely to be up and running until several months after the treaty enters into force, diplomats said.
The U.N.-Lebanon deal envisages a mixed tribunal composed of two chambers, a trial court composed of three judges -- one of them Lebanese alongside two foreigners -- and an appeals court with five judges, including two Lebanese.

For reasons of security, administrative efficiency and fairness, the tribunal would be located outside Lebanon. Cyprus, Italy and the Netherlands have been mooted as possible sites.

martedì 22 maggio 2007

Pictures from Meitein str., Tripoli

Referring what my leb friends wrote me last sunday about clashes and explosions sounds in Meitein street in Tripoli, here some photos.

What astonishes me more is that none here, in italy, or in other western, modern country, can figure what this could mean in the reality, our soft, golden, brighting, sweet "reality"...

72hours cease-fire

Fatah al-Islam will observe a cease-fire beginning 2:30 pm and expected it to hold “if the Lebanese army abides by it,” spokesman Abu Salim Taha told The Associated Press from inside the camp.
In the above picture, the main entrance in Nahr al-Bared.

Pride lebanese and 'Finish-off' Fatah-al-Islam

Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's government has ordered the Lebanese army to "finish off" extremist militants of Fatah al-Islam, locked in fierce battles with Lebanese troops for the third straight day Tuesday in the northern Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.
The cabinet decision reflected the government's determination to pursue Fatah al-Islam who staged attacks on Lebanese troops on Sunday and Monday, killing 29 soldiers. Some 20 militants have also been killed, as well as an undetermined number of civilians.
Speaking after a government meeting late Monday, Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said the cabinet stressed the "need to end the terrorist phenomenon that is alien to the values and nature of the Palestinian people."
"(The government) is determined to respond to any aggression and put a final end to this dangerous phenomenon ... which has threatened to widen the scope of the aggression," Aridi said.
"This phenomenon which attacked the Lebanese army and other security forces is harmful to all of Lebanon, its people, security and stability, and is a permanent threat to the Palestinian people," he added.
Aridi said identity checks of the militants killed have revealed that most of them are not Palestinians, but have different nationalities.
The daily An Nahar, citing security sources, said on Tuesday among the Fatah al-Islam militants killed in the fighting were men from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bangladesh, Syria as well as Lebanon.

(source: Naharnet)

I forward this from lebanese friends in Tripoli, as symbol of young lebanese pride and support to their army

lunedì 21 maggio 2007

Beirut: Targetted the sunni area of Verdun

A bomb rocked a parking lot in the mainly Sunni Muslim district of Verdun wounding at least 7 people, security sources and witnesses said.
The explosion set cars ablaze and broke the windows of some buildings, near Hotel Dunes, the bomb was supposed to be placed either underneath or near a car.
Glass and debris from surrounding buildings lay scattered across the street, which has several restaurants and clothing boutiques.
Future TV said the blast, not very far from House Speaker Nabih Berri's mansion, was likely caused by a car bomb.
LBC, however, said the bomb was planted underneath a black car.

Early pictures from tv broadcasting news.

Update 1 : A car exploded near Tallet-el-Khayyat (... MM ...) , no casualties reported yet.
Update 2 : Explosion was near Russian Cultural center.
Update 3 : 4 injured reported, explosion took place near Al-Mandarin restaurant in Verdun.
Update 4 : From Al.Arabiyya, Explosion targetted a politician.
Update 5 : 12 injured and one woman killed ( but not confirmed yet).

domenica 20 maggio 2007

Blood in the North (Trablus): updates and photos from Achrafieh

After watching webnews, I've called a friend in Tripoli, he said the clashes have reached "Mitein Street" and people have been ordered to "stay home and never get out!". Clashes and sirens sounds can be heard all over the city.

Breaking news (Naharnet source, in ITALIANO Repubblica):
The Lebanese army engaged in deadly fighting with Fatah al-Islam militants in the northern port city of Tripoli and the adjacent Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared Sunday, officials said.
11 Lebanese soldiers and 8 Fatah al-Islam militants (Reuters source) were killed in the fierce fighting, which involved tank and grenade fire, Internal Security Forces chief Gen. Ashraf Rifi told Agence France Presse.
Dozens wounded in the palestinian camps in Nahr-al-Bared, where 40000 people are living, close to the northern city of Trablus(Tripoli). Appearently, clashes started during the night, while police tried to arrest someone in the camp suspected of bank rubbery. Rapidly clashes involved other areas and some militian attacked an army command. Fatah al-Islam is suspected by the lebanese authorities to be responsible of the attempt to the minibus near the christian village of Ain Alak last 13 Feb, when near Beirut 3 people died and 22 kept wounded. It's also accused of the assassination of a lebanese sergent last 23 Apr.

In Lebanon there are 12 palestinian camps, where are located 350,000 people. The lebanese army cannot enter palestinian refugees camps, under a 1969 agreement.
Following last clashes, Syria has temporarly closed two borders with Lebanon, Al Arida and Dabussiya.

My deepest condolences to the families of Lebanese civilians and army soldiers who were killed today. One hopes these events prompt the "opposition" to end its occupation of dowtown Beirut, allowing the army to focus its energy on rooting out these terrorists.

For more info, you can check Al-Arabiya, BBC, Al-Jazeera, LBC and Naharnet.

Update 20/5: TRABLUS: The army said 23 soldiers lost their lives in the deadliest fighting between security forces and Islamists since 2000, while 15 gunmen were killed, 10 of them in Tripoli
BEIRUT (AFP) - A 63-year-old woman was killed and 10 people wounded in an explosion late Sunday in the Christian quarter of Achrafie in Beirut, police and hospital sources told AFP. Ten other people were wounded and taken to two hospitals in the district, said hospital sources.

Update 21/5: TRABLUS: The Lebanese security officials said 27 soldiers, 20 militants and 14 palestinian civilians have been killed since yesterday.
BEIRUT - Photos from explosion in Achrafieh here. A huge explosion near the busy ABC shopping mall in Beirut's Achrafieh neighborhood shortly before midnight killed an elderly woman and wounded 11 other people, police said. The 11:50 p.m. blast shook thousands of sleeping Ashrafiyeh residents out of bed, many hurrying down the street to take stock of the damage.
Note from Peppe: I have been in Nov right in that mall, right in that cinema, we watched Borat...

mercoledì 16 maggio 2007

Sostieni LibanItaly - Together ONLUS

Together Onlus è un’associazione con scopi umanitari costituita nel 2005 a Potenza.
L’idea è nata all’indomani di un reportage realizzato dal giornalista Nello Rega in Libano. Un Paese spesso dimenticato, lasciato al proprio destino da gran parte della comunità internazionale, isolato dai progetti umanitari.
L’idea di costituire una associazione rivolta prevalentemente al Libano è stata, nel corso dei mesi, avvalorata dalle cronache provenienti dal Paese dei cedri. I 34 giorni di guerra tra Israele e i miliziani di Hezbollah, hanno acuito le ferite di chi soffre e
aumentato l’esigenza di intensificare gli sforzi umanitari.
Together Onlus è nata grazie all’aiuto di persone mosse dalla voglia di dare spazio finalmente ai fatti e non fermarsi alle sole parole. Sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica, intensificare gli sforzi delle istituzioni, aggregare “missionari”. Sono queste le attività di Together Onlus che, comunque, ha bisogno tutti i giorni di nuove sensibilità e ulteriori aiuti. Per questi motivi il lavoro dei soci dell’associazione è costante e senza sosta.
Together Onlus, subito dopo la sua nascita ha varato il progetto LibanItaly con sostegno medico e farmacoligico, aiuti alle scuole, corsi di lingua italiani, gemellaggi sportivi, aiuto all’infanzia nei seguenti comuni e centri libanesi: Comune di Jounieh (Nord di Beirut), campo profughi palestinese di Chatila (Sud di Beirut), Tyr (Sud del Libano), Bednayel (Valle della Bekaa), Naqoura (Sud del Libano).
Tra i partner di Together Onlus figurano: Regione Basilicata, Comando Regionale Basilicata Guardia di Finanza, Contingente italiano-Operazione Leonte in Libano-Unifil, Figc Comitato Regionale Lucano Lnd, MEA Middle East Airlines, Fidas Basilicata, Messina Line, Iabadabadu –Felice di Comunicare, Comune di Forenza, Comune di Gabicce Mare, Assadakah, Saci Trasporti, Consiglio Dell’Ordine dei Medici della Provincia di Potenza.
Dalla sua nascita sono nati centri di collaborazione in tutta Italia e nuovi ne nasceranno.
La sede di Together Onlus è a Potenza in Via Grippo 49. Together è iscritta nel Registro Regionale delle Onlus.
Il 21 gennaio è partita un’altra missione di Together Onlus con al seguito oltre 60 tonnellate tra farmaci, libri, viveri, giocattoli, attrezzature sanitarie, attrezzature sportive. Al seguito della spedizione due medici, guidati dal direttore
sanitario Dott. Gianluca Paternoster, il portavoce dell’Associazione Dott. Gennaro Grimolizzi, un fotoreporter-cameraman, i rappresentanti di alcuni partners di Together.

Curriculum Vitae di Nello Rega
Quarant’anni, potentino, Nello Rega lavora nella redazione Esteri di Televideo Rai.
Giornalista professionista dal 1993, ha lavorato per il Giornale Radio Rai, San Marino Rtv (Consociata Rai), Tg3, Radio Dimensione Suono.
Ha firmato come autore un programma giornalistico per Rai Tre. Ha collaborato con quotidiani e settimanali nazionali. Laureato in Scienze Politiche, si è diplomato alla Scuola Superiore di Giornalismo. Ha insegnato Giornalismo Radiofonico presso l’Istituto per la Formazione al Giornalismo di Urbino. Consulente di comunicazione di società nazionali e internazionali, ha insegnato presso l’Università di Atene – Facoltà di Scienze Politiche. Ha collaborato con il Parlamento di Atene. Ha insegnato nei corsi per ufficio stampa dello Stato maggiore dell’Esercito. Come inviato è stato in Romania, Grecia, Albania, Jugoslavia, Algeria, Cipro, Iraq, Kosovo, Libano, Territori Palestinesi, Israele.

Nel 2006 ha scritto il libro “Sud dopo sud”, presentato già in 30 città. Lo scorso giugno è stato presentato presso la Divisione Aqui di San Giorgio a Cremano alla presenza dei generali Villani e Lops. A maggio del 2007 il libro sarà tradotto in arabo e pubblicato in Libano a cura del quotidiano “As Safir” e diffuso in 35 mila copie.

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Per dare un sorriso a chi ne ha bisogno ... GRAZIE!

domenica 13 maggio 2007

Beirut, "Run For Peace" Marathon at Dbayeh

The italian Giorgio Calcaterra, 35y taxi-driver from Rome has won the 12Km race "Run For Peace", along Dbayeh sea side (north-east Beirut), in the tremendous Italian event "VIVICITTA" organized by the Beirut Marathon Association associated with the UISP (Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti), the CONI, the italian Foreigners Minister, the Comitato internazionale sport militare (Cism), the Lebanese Olympic Committee and the Lebanese Federation of Athletic Associations.
Two runners of Lebanese Army arrived 2nd and 3rd; the first four lebanese runners won a free course to learn italian language, sponsored by italian embassy and ICE(Istituto di Cultura italiano).

giovedì 10 maggio 2007

Lesson #5:- How to prepare ... Baba Ganoush

#1: Hummus
#2: Fatoush
#3: Tabouleh
#4: Mamoul

Baba-Ghanush (Arabic بابا غنوج), melitzanosalata (Greek μελιτζανοσαλάτα), baklazhannaya ikra (Russian баклажанная икра, literally "eggplant caviar") is one of the most popular Middle Eastern appetizers (maybe together with Hummous Bi Tahina), made primarily of eggplant (aubergine).

Serves 3 - 4
2 big aubergines
2 tablespoons tahini
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons yogurt
1 garlic crushed
chopped parsley/fresh basil

Make a slit in the skin of the aubergine and place under a hot grill for a few minutes on each side or until the skin blackens on all sides. Leave it to cool down, then peel the off skin, wash with cold water and put in a preheated oven at 200°C for a few minutes to get rid of all excess liquid. Put the aubergines and the other ingredients in a food processor to make into a dip, or crush the aubergines with a potato masher and mix with the other ingredients to get a rough mix . Serve cold topped with some olive oil and chopped parsley or fresh basil.

Serve sprinkled with cumin and surrounded by the vegetables of your choice.


Per 3-4 persone
2 grandi melanzane
2 cucchiai di tahina
2 cucchiai di succo di limone
2 cucchiai di yogurt
1 spicchio d'aglio
prezzemolo tritato/basilico fresco

Accendete il forno a 200°C. Forate le melanzane con una forchetta, incidendo buchi qua e la'. Mettete su una teglia leggermente oleata o ricoperta di carta da forno e fatele cuocere per 45'-1h. Fatele quindi raffreddare ed eliminate la buccia delle melanzane. Schiacciatele appena per eliminare l'acqua in eccesso. Mettete tutti gli ingredienti nel mixer, tranne che il prezzemolo e l'olio. Mixate fino a formare un composto omogeneo ed infine spolverate con prezzemolo e se lo desiderate un po' di olio crudo. Servite con Pita.

Servite con una spolverata di cumino e circondato da verdure di stagione.

mercoledì 9 maggio 2007

On 12 May 2007, 12:00 :- Beirut Peace's March from Sodeco sq. to Museum

12،00الخميس 10 أيار 2007 الساعة

مسيرة صاخبة للسلام من تقاطع السوديكو حتى المتحف الوطني
قرع الأجراس و رفع التكبير على مساحة الوطن
" دقيقة تأمل "
"نبذاً للفتنة و العنف و طلباً في تخطي الأزمة و تأكيداً للعيش معاً بكل طمأنينة.
فرح العطاء

لأي معلومات إضافية : 03/340035

Jeudi 10 Mai 2007 à 12h

Marche bruyante pour la Paix du Sodeco Square au Musée.

Sons de cloches et louange à la grandeur de Dieu dans les mosquées sur tout le territoire libanais.
Une minute de méditation et de réflexion.
Pour rejeter toute division et violence.
Et affirmer notre volonté de vivre ensemble en toute tranquillité.

martedì 8 maggio 2007

Firenze, 10-12 Maggio: Convegno SeSaMO sul Medio Oriente


In particolare, segnalo la giornata dedicata al Libano che vedrà coinvolto come relatore uno degli amici di Libanitaly:

Venerdì 11 Maggio - ore 14,30
Salotta Museo Palazzo Vecchio

Il Libano ed i suoi nemici nell'era dell'egemonia israeliana in
Medio Oriente

Presiedono: Rosita Di Peri e Michelguglielmo Torri
Francesco Mazzucotelli (Cattolica, Milano), Il modello
istituzionale del confessionalismo libanese
Massimo Di Ricco (Tarragona), Il confessionalismo libanese:
logica del consenso, deterrenza comunitaria o nemico
Rosita Di Peri (Torino), L'esperienza libanese fra crisi dello
stato e paradigma democratico
Jolanda Guardi (Milano), La visione della guerra nel tempo
e nello spazio di Kawabìs Bayrùt di Ghadat as-Sammàn
Mattia Toaldo (Roma Tre), 1982: il tentativo di egemonia
israeliana sul Libano e la convergenza americana
Laura Guazzone (La Sapienza, Roma), Sovranità
immaginate: le politiche di sicurezza dello stato libanese
dopo Ta'if
Michelguglielmo Torri (Torino), La guerra dei 32 giorni: verso
una valutazione militare e politica dell'aggressione
israeliana al Libano nell’estate 2006

martedì 1 maggio 2007

The Winograd Committee Press Release (full text)

Herewith follow the main findings of the Winograd report on the Second Lebanon War.


“We determine that there are very serious failings in these decisions and the way they were made. We impose the primary responsibility for these failures on the Prime Minister, the minister of defence and the (outgoing) Chief of Staff. All three made a decisive personal contribution to these decisions and the way in which they were made.”